Hi there! Welcome to Animal Jam Wonderland! I'm SquirrelGirl1212 author and founder of AJW! Here at AJW, you will find contests, giveaways, comics, and daily posts! Feel free to leave a comment! ~SquirrelGirl1212

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bamboo Stuff :D

YAY!!! The bamboo ish back! MAH FAVORITE PLANT OF ALL TIME :DDD. Also, sometbing interesting has come out...: A bamboo fence! Perfect for a panda zoo/ regular zoo, cause the pandas could eat the fence and runnaway >.< And dat wouldn't be good..

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oh gawd. I'm just saying this: Im not bragging whenever I say im on epic dens.. Sometimes I just get kinda excited and tell you people c: BUT! One thingy! 6TH TIME BABY! Take a look at how many people showed up... In the top of my den, there was a bunch of trading for a while! I had a lotta fun too XD!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Awesome! Butterlfy Glasses are out! Another good item for Spring, but either way, its still cool!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A couple new things to say! 1. Leg Armor is back! You can now buy leg armor in JamMart for only 80 coins! The only item I ever saw that was 80 coins were Skullies or Skullys however you  say it..  Also, when you logged into AJ, did you see that it was dark? Well, its dark...! Jamma Township, I believe has started to decorate for Halloween! You can see the spooky lights added to JamMart. Thats all the updates I have now! :D
Hi guys! Congrats to the winner of the New Den Contest!! Thanks to the winner's brilliant mind, Jammers can now get a MUSHROOM DEN! They're actually really cool looking. It's like a Alice in Wonderland den! (Great idea for a party, eh?) So, yeah! It doesn't really cost much either. It's still 5,000.. But isn't too bad like the Fantasy Castle at 7,500! Bye for now!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Yay! My favorite plant is out: The Baby Palm!! Hopefully, they also get the bamboo back out!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cool! Flower Glasses!! It's kinda weird how they didn't save this for Spring. It would've been great either way though! Also, (This isnt AJ related..) it's finally getting cold out (Just a bit)!! Fall/Winter are my favorite seasons :D..

Friday, September 21, 2012

Yay! More plants! I'm really loving that AJ is bringing back all these plants (New ones too)!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Alright, this morning I went on AJ, and someone was in Jamaa saying that she would trade a bow for my spike. I said no thanks (simply that) and she got mad because i said no. I just felt like I need to say a simple thing: People can say no to a trade, and please don't get mad about it. I just felt like I needed to say this. If someone says no, respect their choice, and don't get mad. If they say no, just make another offer or just respect their choice and walk away. Learn that people can say no. (If you think im being rude, I totally respect your choice, cause I am a bit annoyed at the moment) Thanks for reading this totally awkward passage, hope you understand.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Glasses!

Hey! Star glasses are back! These used to be beta also! Buh bye for now!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Summer Carnival

Hurry up and get your carnival prizes, because it's all coming down on the 26th! *Hint: Get some gems and switch them out for tickets for an easier way to earn more prizes!
OMI GOSH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AJ! 2ND BIRTHDAY ALREADY! Type in the code birthdaydash (no spaces) and get a BIRTHDAY CAKE!
Omi gosh, ON ZE EPIC DENS 4TH TIME!!! Proof ^-^
Awesome! With all the plants you bought, you could be a true gardener with this gardener hat! Also, (A lil late on this one, i know) A contruction hat!
Woah! Jamaa is now covered in leafs! Looks like falls a comin'!
Awesome! In the new update, a new game as been added! It's called Hedgehog, a similar game to Pac-Man!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sorry, I havent been able to post... A new clothing item has come out! Round glasses! Perfect for a school outfit with your backpack!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Wow, I was really bored and so I started jumping on ze Coral Canyons bridge, even though I know its never going to fall.. and once we had five or six people hopping, all these birds came out from below! It was actually kinda fun, till everyone left meh for a AJ's got talent... -.-
New plants in Sarepia! Looks like they're bringing back the 'ol beta plants!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Omi gosh! Take a look at this throne! It's new at Epic Wonders!! Now, with all your Phantom Day stuff, we can make a PHANTOM CLAN xDDD

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This weeks Rare Item Mondey thingy is....: A Rare King's Crown!! Get yours today, cause they wont be dere tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hey! Guess what?!? Meh den was on epic dens for the THIRD TIME xDDD!
Anyways, I thought I shall give a tour of it :D

ERRRGGHHH, all throughout today, I had trying to log into AJ, and a few times I got to the choosing servers part, and then it would load for eveeerrrr! And now once I try, I cant even go to the servers, it just shows a plain black screen D:<... It's gettin really annoying..
Heres this weeks  FOTW!

1: AJFury:D



Monday, September 3, 2012

Woah! Any of you ever seen a Sewing Machine? This person has the BEST trade list ever! She has the best den too :D.. and this open sign.. PURE AMAZMENT
I know, im a little late on saying this but, check out these crossbows! Save up folks, cause someday, once these are no longer sold, they could be as rare as a bow and arrow!
Has this ever happened to you? I was playing Falling Phantoms and about halfway through the game, everything paused except the clock. After five seconds, a BUNCH of phantoms fell on meh D: See? There were more, but I was too late, It covered the whole screen with phantoms! Hopefully, AJHQ fixes this!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Check this out! My friend Ponyeks has this neat dog sled! It's really cool looking :3, and might be beta :o

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hey guys, this is my Wish List! Imma just put a few things :3

1. Worn (Not purple)
2.Purple Pointy Spike (Collar)
3. Any of the old Coral Canyons items (Porch Swings, bowls, roses, etc)

Please put what ya want for it (If you have any of this junk O.O) below :D
Hey guys! In need for gems? If so head to Coral Canyons to SlingShot to get double gems!!

Cool! Check this out, a new backpack! Happy Back To School Jammers!
O.o (Not really happy :P)
We got our monkeys today! Heres mine:
Mr. Jellymonkey :{D...!