Hey guys! I'm sorry, I went on a bit of a "blogging break." I've been extremely busy going to hockey games, studying for school, and a bit of other life things. So, another long update is under way! This blog has been up and running for at least three months now. Animal Jam Wonderland hasn't got as many views as I was hoping for, so now, Animal Jam Wonderland will be posting daily, adding new gadgets, and is going to be much more organized. I will
without a doubt have AUTHOR TRY-OUTS! Please! I need authors! I do have a view requirements:
1. You had to of been playing Animal Jam for at least five months
2. Are familiar with Blogger
3. Like Squirrels (Jk)
4. Are nice and friendly!

Those are the few standard requirements. The official author try-out post will be sometime tomorrow or over the weekend depending on my life schedule. That's all for now, Jammers! Bye! ~SquirrelGirl1212