In the middle it says IN A WAY THAT WILL NEVER COMPLETE. Wtc!?! I think I know what caused this though.. A site called Animal Jam Codes! NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER GO THERE! They claim you can get a 1 month, 9 month, or a 10,000 gem code! If you click on it, they will tell you to download a bunch of stuff that gives you viruses!
By the way, if your going to tell me it's a virus, it's not. My computer was checked by my dad, he fixed all the viruses clean. And, it's not just my computer. It's every computer in the house! I'm super mad because I just got extended membership and I'm wasting my time not using it(I just got a freaking snow leopard! Dx) Anyways, I'm pretty mad right now.
Sorry for not being able to get on AJ.